Spring Turkey Hunting Tips From Raised Hunting TV
Raised Hunting TV show hosts David & Karin Holder openly share hunting tips to make hunting better for everyone. The Grizzly Coolers’ sponsored husband and wife team use their Raised Hunting television show on The Outdoor Channel, Raised at Full Draw educational events and their Raised Outdoors app to provide tips to help all hunters – from beginners to hunters with many hunting seasons under their belt.
David Holder’s spring turkey hunting tips & insights are based on thirty years of turkey hunting and twenty years of filming turkey hunts. By closely examining his turkey hunting footage, David has learned to watch how turkeys react to blinds, decoys and calls. “I watch all the mistakes I’ve made and learn from them,” explained David. “You can learn as much or more from unsuccessful hunts.” Karin added, “David has a unique talent communicating with animals, observing their body language, reactions and patterns. He uses different calls and tones based on how turkeys are answering them.”
Proper equipment is needed for spring turkey hunting. The three items that every turkey bowhunter needs are a blind, call and decoys, according to David.

“The call, it doesn’t matter what kind, just needs to get a turkey’s attention so it will see your decoy set-up,” explains David. If the decoys are effectively set up and the hunter is well concealed in a quiet blind, the turkeys will come within an acceptable range.
Timing Is Everything - Spring Turkey Hunting Tips
Drawing from his years of field experience, David has learned that there are prime turkey hunting hours and some periods that aren’t as productive. David suggested 9 am until noon will provide the most opportunities. The “after-work” time slot of 5:30 pm until 7:30 pm would be his second choice but that’s often when many turkey hunters have an opportunity to hunt. Turkeys seem to take a break from noon or 2 pm until 5 pm. David advises to check local hunting regulations to make sure you are hunting within the approved times.
David encourages hunters to change hunting techniques each week during spring turkey season. “The first week, turkeys will fall for anything. Later in the week, the birds become wary,” advised David. “Maybe you need to move your blind during week two. By week three, the turkeys have caught on to your methods and it will be harder to get a turkey within 100 yards for that shot.” During educational seminars, David teaches participants how to set up a turkey decoy and explains why to set up a decoy in that way. At in-person events, attendees get hands on opportunities to learn how they can be successful.

Attend In-Person Educational Events To Get Spring Turkey Hunting Tips
Hunters can attend in-person educational events to get tips and local area insights. The Holder team is preparing for their next educational event - Spring Thunder, March 19th 6-9:00 pm at Raised Hunting offices located at 1221 E Buchanan St., Winterset, IA, 50273. Please register to attend on the Raised Hunting Facebook event page. The well-attended event has 150-person capacity to allow for comfortable seating and relaxed conversations.
The first 125 attendees will receive a Grizzly single-walled Pint Glass with ergonomic Grizzly Grip for comfortable sipping. Also based in Iowa, Grizzly Coolers likes to support people and businesses that provide positive outreach that increases participation and enjoyment in outdoor recreation. David shared,
“Never thought I would have a cooler that I could trust to pack an entire elk in and drive 1200 miles in 80-degree weather and know everything was going to be perfect when I got home, but I do now! Love my Grizzly coolers!”
Holders’ youth and women-specific educational events are held in various locations throughout the country. These events usually focus on learning hunting and real-life skills and completing required hunter education certification.

Watch hunting shows, like Raised Hunting, to learn new hunting techniques in an entertaining way while relaxing at home. The Outdoor Channel Vice President of Programming Mitch Petrie recently shared, “We appreciate the passion of the Raised Hunting team for educating and inspiring our viewers to get out and hunt. We get viewer feedback from their fans that their mission is on target.”
Use mobile technology to get the latest information and equipment. The Holders’ Raised Outdoors mobile app also provides education, entertainment and member discounts on a wide range of products and hunting related services.
“Raised Hunting and the Holders bring more people into hunting and make it more accessible,” said Ethan Pole, Grizzly Coolers Marketing Director. “Through their television show that reach millions, their local level educational events and educational videos and product deals found on their app, they offer many ways to connect with hunters and provide relevant information to broaden and deepen knowledge. Grizzly Coolers likes to support organizations that share our passion and increase access to quality, ethical hunter education.”
About Grizzly Coolers:
Grizzly Coolers is most known for its rotomolded, bear-resistant, Made-in-USA hard-sided Grizzly Coolers. Grizzly Coolers also makes soft-sided coolers, insulated drinkware and innovative hunting blinds. Learn more about all its products, its rigorous product testing process and where you can buy these quality products at GrizzlyCoolers.com.